DNS Watcher is a shareware DNS server monitor for Windows. This application has been designed to help users monitor if their websites are working or not. The graphical user interface provides several buttons so that we can easily enter as many DNS server address entries (or IP address) and host names as needed. We can also manage the entries by running them, deleting, sending a query to them, and enabling/disabling them. It is possible to configure the program to run automatically at any specified interval, and set the numbers of times to retry queries before notifying us that there is an error. DNS Watcher features a very useful option that will make it possible to detect and avoid Pharming attacks to our website. To make use of this feature, we just enter the IP addresses that have our permission to return from our web server. We can manually check at any time the connection status by clicking on the "Run now" button. We will be able to view the results as follows: an amber light (checking), a green (correct), and red light (failure). We can record the log file, and print the DNS reply to the query. We can test this program free of charge. DNS Watcher runs under Windows XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95 operating systems.